Stormwater Management Program
As an MS4 operator, the Village of Westbury will receive public comments, input, and concerns related to stormwater compliance. The latest MS4 report can be found here: MS4 Annual Report Forms (
For Comments on the MS4 Program, the public may do the following:
- Attend a Board of Trustees meeting on the 1st Thursday of ever month and request to speak under the public comment period. The meeting schedule can be found here: Village Board Meeting Schedule
- Contact Chrissy Kiernan, Village Clerk-Treasurer via phone at 516-334-1700 ext. 120 or email
To report and illicit discharge or complaints about construction stormwater activities:
- Contact Village of Westbury Building Department via phone at 516-334-1700 or email
The Village of Westbury falls within watersheds of the Long Island Sound, which is a pathogen-impaired waterbody (see NYSDEC’s GIS map here: Stormwater Interactive Map ( For additional information on pathogen-impaired water bodies, as well as other types of pollutants, please see the information below. There are resources available for various age groups and functions.
- The United States Environmental Protection Agency
o The US EPA’s Non-Point Source (NPS) Outreach Toolbox: Search the NPS Outreach Toolbox | Nonpoint Source Outreach Toolbox | US EPA
- Conduct search results based on various topics and media formats.
o The Nutrient Pollution Toolbox: Nutrient Pollution | US EPA
- Learn about Nutrient Pollution, Prevention, and Reduction techniques.
- University of Connecticut’s General Stormwater Education Library and Specific Pollutant Library: Public Education and Outreach | CT NEMO Program (
o Use the dropdown menus to access various educational topics
- Penn State Stormwater Library: What are Stormwater Pollutants? (
o Use the various articles to learn about specific stormwater considerations such as the MS4 program, pollutants, and flood prevention.
- Project WET (Water Education Today) materials on water conservation and pollution prevention: Clean and Conserve | Project Wet.