Various Village Boards and Commissions
Several boards and commissions, appointed by the Mayor and Board of Trustees, have been created to meet, review and recommend a course of action for different issues facing the residents of our Village. Click below to see who your commission members are and learn what services each provides for the Village of Westbury.
- Board of Assessors
- Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)
- Planning Board
- Plumbing Examiners Board
- Parks Commission
- Landmark Preservation Commission
- Labor Grievance Commission
- Taxicab Commission
- Electrical Examiners Board
Board of Assessors
Steven L. Corte, Assessor
Lina Cesare
Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)
Gary P. Monti, Chairman
open, Vice-Chairperson
Dominic Abbatiello
Maurice Tallini
Roderick (Rod) Bailey
Eric Dobrin
Jo Ann Fresa, First Alternate
Craig Stewart, Second Alternate
Hala Ubaid, Third Alternate
Greg Lewis, Fourth alternate
The Board of Appeals hears petitions from property owners and other aggrieved parties who need to challenge the requirements of the zoning law and permitted property uses. The Board has the authority to grant variances of the Village’s Zoning Code, when there are evident hardships after conducting a public hearing with the proper notice to all the neighboring property owners affected. The Board also has the authority to establish boundary lines in the zoning districts, determine if a particular use pre-dates the existing code and also performs advisory functions to the Village Board of Trustees on zoning matters.
Louis Martins, Chair
Henry Razzanno
James W. Burton, Sr.
Lindra Troncoso
Susan Santilli
Wendy Liotti
Wilbur Mason
Dr. Christine Bauer, First Alternate
Peter T. Cavallaro, Second Alternative
The Planning Board is made up of seven members who act as advisors to the Village Board of Trustees and the Zoning Board, offering them recommendations and suggestions to aid in their decision making process. This Board has the power to conduct investigations, reports and recommendations relative to the planning and development of structures within the Village. The Chairperson meets monthly with the Building Superintendent to go over residential and commercial applications for variances and special exceptions to Village Codes.
Steven Lutz, Chairman
John Martiello
John Allacco
The Plumbing Examiners Board is responsible for the licensing of plumbers seeking to operate in the Village. The Board conducts examinations and determines the fitness of the applicant. The qualifications of the applicants are reviewed on a consistent basis. In addition, reciprocal licenses are evaluated and updated regularly. Proper insurance and certification are prerequisites for all licensed plumbers in the Village.
Karin B. Campbell, Chairperson
Susan Piscetelli Bennett
Elaine Lovell
Marcel A. Chaillol
Marianne P. LiBretto
Javed Munawar
Greg Lewis
Landmark Preservation Commission
Gary P. Monti, Chairman
Arthur Dobrin
Ray Muntz
Judith Burgess
Jo Ann Fresa
Maggie Martinez Malito
Vacant, Alternate
Richard Wilkins, Chairman
Kevin B. Shakil
Ronny Simon
The Taxicab Commission is made up of three members whose responsibility is to inform the Mayor and the Village Board regarding matters related to the taxi industry in the Village of Westbury. The Commission’s duties include investigating applications for licensed vehicles and drivers, checking vehicle licenses semi-annually and conducting hearings regarding complaints against licensed owners and drivers.
John Pollak, Chairman
vacant (2Yr)
vacant (2Yr)
The Electrical Examiners Board is responsible for the licensing of electricians seeking to operate in the Village. The Board conducts examinations and determines the fitness of the applicant. The qualifications of the applicants are reviewed on a consistent basis. In addition, reciprocal licenses are evaluated and updated regularly. Proper insurance and certification are prerequisites for all licensed electricians in the Village.
Storm Water Management (Inactive)
School Liaison Comm
Vincent Abbatiello, Chairman
Peter I. Cavalarro
Eric Dobrin
Richard Wilkins
Paul Clagnaz
Latino Advisory Council
Mario Moran
Nancy Barreno
Luisa Jefferson
Alex Nunez
Pedro Quintanilla
Maggie Martinez Malito
Miriam Hernandez
Raymond Muntz
Westbury District Management Assoc
Board of Directors
Vincent Abbatiello
Joe Stasi (Rep. Sal)
Joe Viscusi
Westbury Arts Council Board of Directors
Julie Lyon (President)
Adriana Devers (1st V.P.)
Rocco Lanzilotta (2nd V.P.)
Maureen Baranov (Dev. Co-chair)
Stan Turetsky (Rec.Secty)
Chrissy Lorusso Shelly (Treasurer)
Connie Locasscio (Ass't treasurer)
Angelica Medina (Dev. Co-chair)
Alex Nunez
Wendy Liotti*
Margo Mussina
Peter I. Cavallaro*
Beaumont Jefferson*
Dana Boylan*
Mike Cesarano
Jael Ferguson
Chris Hobbs
Judy Gerrard
Geeta Citygirl
Jackie Beder
Pat Jenkins Lewis
*Denotes Village Appointees
Advisory Board
Peter I. Cavallaro
Peter T. Cavallaro
Steven L. Corte
Steven L. Corte, Jr.
JoAnn Fresa
Joseph Pascarella, Jr.
Raymond Muntz