Welcome to the Official Web Site of the Incorporated Village of Westbury
Dear Neighbors:
As lifelong resident of the Village of Westbury, it is an honor and privilege for me to serve as your Mayor. I and the Village Board are committed to striving each and every day to keep Westbury the special place that it is, and at the same time, build a bright future for generations to come.
Our Village is blessed with an unparalleled location that makes it accessible to everything Long Island and New York have to offer. We have a terrific downtown and I encourage our residents to patronize our merchants so that our downtown can continue to be strong, vibrant and filled with energy. Our community is also blessed with a diversity that enriches our lives and reflects the history of Westbury as a tolerant and accepting place to live, work and raise a family.
I and the Village Board are committed to maintaining our Village as one of the most financially strong and stable municipalities on Long Island. We continually try to enhance Village services, and work with our partners in government to secure the funds and resources necessary to do so. We collaborate with the broad array of local organizations, civics, churches and other stakeholders, including our Business Improvement District, Chamber of Commerce and Westbury Arts. Our community has been recognized for its financial strength and our successful revitalization program and we are committed to continuing to build a sustainable community. Our primary goal is to always seek to enhance and protect the quality of life that we have come to expect.
This website contains valuable information and access to resources that residents can use. There are links to all Village departments and to other websites and information that may also be useful. You can access email addresses so that you can easily communicate with Village offices, and you can also provide us with your email address so that you can be added to receive Village Blast Emails from time to time with important information. The website also allows for certain services to be obtained online, and this online capacity will be expanded as we move into the future.
God bless you and your families and please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or matters that require our attention.
Best regards,
Peter I. Cavallaro