Downtown Flair
The Post Avenue Triangle - Village of Westbury Downtown


Rebirth of a Downtown: Westbury Village



Local Businesses

Listing of businesses located in the Village of Westbury, Business Improvement District website (Merchant Profiles & Dining & Nightlife). Continue reading Listing of businesses located in the Village of Westbury, Chamber of Commerce website (Membership Listings).
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Many Downtown Facade Improvement Projects have been completed - take a look!   



Street scape improvements: new vintage street lights with pedestrian lanterns, road signs and flower baskets add to the charm of the Village's business district.


Post Bagels on Post Avenue looks sharp!


Looking to the right - Post Avenue looks sharp!
Looking to the left - Post Avenue looks sharp!.







Thanks for the Tank! 

The Village maintains the floral baskets and plantings along Post Avenue using a truck mounted tank purchased with money donated by area businesses.  $1,000: American Ref-Fuel Construction, The Bristal Assisted Living Center, Home Depot, Home Depot Expo, Jamaica Ash & Rubbish Removal Co. and Westbury Paper Stock Corp.   and   $500: Bank of New York, Cablevission, Costco Wholesale, Hicks' Nursery, LIPA, North Fork Bank, State Bank of Long Island, Westbury Jeep Eagle, Inc. and Westbury Manor.